This file lists the changes in Cadcorp SIS · WebMap · 9.1, using 9.0.3050 as the reference.
July 2024
- Single layer names in My Data and Quick Access Drawer are now wrapped too avoid, where possible, horizontal scroll bars appearing.
- Default templates will now fill the full height of the Feature Info dialog.
- Decorated URLs have been updated to support resolutions, for reliability. The dependency on certain extensions has also be changed including:
- - x,y and resolution parameters are handled by core WebMap
- - dataLayer and baseLayer parameters are handled by core WebMap
- - x,y and resolution with a pin requires the Coordinates extension enabled
- - Zooming to a feature using overlayName, schemacolumn and uid parameters requires the Query extension enabled
- An option for using a Single Tile for rendering Maps has been added to WebMap.
- An optional popout dialog can be enabled for Feature Info, displaying a variable number of schema columns directly on the Map, with the option to show all columns in the left hand dialog.
- Field names for required parameters when using the Graph API have been changed to reflect the values provided by Azure AD/Entra.
- Copyright text can now be defined per layer, appearing when the layer is turned on. Copyright strings can be defined in the WebMap Manager except for layers within an SWD, which get their attribution from an overlay property WML::Attribution$. A default Map level copyright statement can still be used instead if required, overriding any copyrights set at a layer level.
- The scale bar on PDF output could display the wrong values.
- References have been updated to Cadcorp Limited.
- An application stylesheet has been added to WebMap, editable through WebMap Manager. This can be used to style the Feature Information dialog with other classes to be added for the remainder of the application.
June 2024
- Columns available for selection for attributes in the Fire Query Tool now exclude columns selected for easting and northing and additional validation has been added to prevent the easting and northing columns being selected as attribute columns.
- The WebMap Manager interface has been updated to allow columns in the Fire Query Tool to be easily removed.
- Legends can now be moved on the Print Template by the user during the Publish process.
- Feature Information has been added to the embedded map. It needs to have the featureinformation parameter added to the url which calls the embedded map.
- A licenced Call for Sites extension has been added to WebMap, allowing users to define a site for capture and complete a questionnaire which can then be written to a PostGIS database, with confimration emailed to the applicant.
- WebMap can now be started with any relevant extension dialog initially displayed, including FindIT or Call for Sites.
- The version of SQL Server Management Studio installed with WebMap has now been updated to 20.1.
- Under some circumstances, copied Local Knowledge definitions could be affected by copied Bookmark locations.
- Print Template text fields can now be edited and previewed in text boxes which allow multiple lines with breaks to be used.
- User names which contain spaces can now be successfully harvested.
- Support for using icons with point features has been added to the Drawing functionality. Icons can be added as images, but they must have a corresponding symbol in a loaded NOL with the same name, stored in the folder called Web Map Layers.
- It is now possible to change the search radius, in pixels, for selection of features, especially points, for editing.
- The version of OpenLayers used in WebMap has been updated to 8.2.0.
May 2024
- The HarvestService and LicenceService now implement gRPC health checks.
- Dynamic colours can now be successfully applied to polygons in Power BI.
- Additional checks are now in place in WebMap Manager to prevent GeognoSIS SWDs being used as Base Layers.
- The Zoom to Coordinates dialog has been renamed to Coordinates and now includes an option to click on the Map to return a coordinate pair.
- Issues with MapTips in Power BI have been resolved.
- WebMap Manager has some visibility options removed against GeognoSIS SWDs as these are controlled by the Status value on the overlay.
- The Feature Info dialog could open when creating a new feature in Editing on a mobile device.
- The way in which Bookmarks are stored when created by both user and Administrator has been changed to use the view centre location and resolution. This will create more accurate bookmarks in WebMap Manager. Existing user and Administrator bookmarks will be updated to use this definition.
- A list of resolutions can now be added to a Map either individually or be copied from a configured WMTS to define the zoom steps. Adding a list of resolutions will control the size of zoom level steps using the on screen controls.
- Zooming out to the maximum resolution of the Map would stop the Zoom In button from working.
- The embedded IRS Link has been added to WebMap for integration with hosted instances of the 3tc application.
- The Harvest Service could stop and not be able to be restarted in a Kubernetes environment.
- Column names in the Fire Query Tool can now hold more than 20 characters.
- Local Knowledge, Bookmarks, ReportIT, FindIT, Editing and Feature Info extension configurations can now be copied from existing Maps and to other Maps.
- The Quick Access Drawer can now be configured to be open as the user starts WebMap.
April 2024
- None mandatory columns with lists now allow the user to select an empty value.
- Legend placement was updated in My Data following earlier inadvertent changes.
- The option to define a cookie URL has been added to WebMap Manager, with a default cookie policy in place.
- Adding a buffer as part of the Query workflow could cause the application to hang.
- GeoJSON layers added by the user can now return Feature Information.
- Individual Value themes are now correctly displayed in the Quick Access Drawer.
- Layers with the WML::Ignore& property are now not displayed in the Quick Access Drawer.
- All data layers are now displayed in the Quick Access Drawer.
- OpenStreetMap layers could not always be set as a BaseMap in WebMap Manager.
- Upgrading from a previous version database could introduce some interface text errors.
- Result layers created by running a query against multiple layers could not always be deleted by the user.
- Column names with underscores can now be used as incident databases in the Fire Query Tool.
- The MasterMap to DXF extension has been added, allowing segments of OS MasterMap to be exported to structured DXF. This requires an additional licence.
- Layers could be listed twice when returning to the main Map from Publishing.
- The Administrator can now set the Toggle All Layers option on or off for different Maps in WebMap Manager.
- HTML is now supported in the Map description.
- The Map description did not always refresh to display changes in WebMap Manager.
- HTML text is now correctly rendered in the copyright text in WebMap and the context image in FindIT.
- The front page information text box now will wrap text.
- Individual value theme legends are now correctly displayed in the Quick Access Drawer.
- Adding a combination of OS Maps and OpenStreetMap base layers could prevent the Map from being updated or deleted.
- When using decorated URLs to find specific items, attributes with a space can now be found using %20 to represent the space.
- The Fire Query Tool can now deal with null values in the incident type or station ground data fields.
- Deselecting a feature now will respond to the status of the Zoom to Extent option.
- The copyright statement on embedded and Power BI maps has been reformatted and updated.
- Minimum and maximum extent coordinates could be switched over in WebMap Manager.
- Some updates to text in the WebMap Manager.
- Creating a new Map by copying an existing Map could fail if there were additional extensions enabled.
- A flush cache button has been added to the General Settings page in WebMap Manager.
- The MasterMap to DXF export has been adjusted to include all elements in the Template File.
- Published SWDs uploaded to GeognoSIS could not be used with Local Knowledge.
March 2024
- The Administrator can now set a rate limiter per Map, setting Permit limit, Window period in seconds and Queue limit which when combined can limit requests from endpoint IP addresses.
- Administrators can now present an "I am human" dialog which must be dismissed before the Map is loaded, to mitigate crude DOS attacks.
- URL handling is now more structured and handled before the route is switched allowing, for example, Local Knowledge to run immediately with the appropriate parameters and initial dialog defined.
- The Microsoft.Data.DQLClient and System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt packages have been updated to versions 5.20 and 7.4.1 respectively.
- Support for the datalayers, baselayer and geolocate parameters have been added as optional URL parameters.
- Some formatting issues with the footers in FindIT PDF output were resolved.
- When harvesting in Azure AD duplicate users or groups are now not added to the database and the level of logging has been increased.
- Some issues with running a nearestN Local Knowledge query with polygons has been resolved.
- The zoom in when filtering option in WebMap for Power BI was not always working as expected.
- The PDF rendering timeout period for FindIT has been increased to 120 seconds.
- The Fire Query Tool was upgraded to WebMap 9.1.
- Some updates to the Migration Manager.
- Editable columns in the Editing extensions are now shown in schema column order.
- Migration Manager has been updated for use with WebMap Express.
- Overlay names set at editable in WebMap can now contain special characters.
- The Get More button was missing from Quick Search when using the Aligned Assets connector.
- Oracle databases connections were not being displayed in the WebMap Manager for FindIT configuration.
- Alphabetical ordering is now applied to Maps presented to the user following authentication.
- It was not always possible to create a new Map using a CRS which had just been added by the Administrator.
- Power BI MapTips now correctly display numeric attributes.
- Full Text searches in PostGIS were not being correctly run by Quick Search in WebMap.
- Multiple zoom operations by the user in WebMap could cause the Map to perform opposite direction zooming.
- Text boxes will now extend to accommodate any translation text which is longer than the original.
- A unique switch has been added to WebMap Manager to only allow one startup dialog to be defined at a time, per Map.
- The Query extension now correctly sets the properties WML::AllowTableExport& and WML::AllowVectorExport@ on the new query results overlays and respects WML::AllowTableExport& in the query results table window.
- The WebMap for Power BI visual now correctly displays data which is filtered in another component, such as a table, within the report.
- In the Query Results Table, as results are filtered, the features in the Map are updated to reflect this. The original layer is also turned off for clarity.
- A number of translation strings have been added and updated to ensure that all text can now be replaced with an alternative language string.
- The Query extension has been updated to allow multiple overlays to be queried at the same time, with results returned per layer.
- It was not possible to download WebMap logs for the current day.
February 2024
- The FindIT extension has been added to WebMap, allowing the user to select or draw an area, point or circle with optional or mandatory buffers applied. The query is run in a separate SWD with options to define report text and Map images per query. Results are displayed, with the option to create a PDF report. This uses a fully configurable html template. Results can also be written to a database.
- It is now possible to add an additional attribute filter, run client side, to the Aligned Assets SinglePoint gazetteer.
- Editing or creating new connections for OS Names and OS Places could create an error.
- Theme legends in My Data are now all displayed below the layer name to avoid any text in the legend image being squashed.
- Legends have been added to the Quick Access Drawer, allowing the user to continually view Map layers, groups and legends whilst using the Feature Info functionality, which overwrites the dialog on the left of the screen.
- When selecting a map tip column in a point dataset when using WebMap for Power BI could make the point disappear.
- Using polygon data in WebMap for Power BI the user sometimes had to click twice outside the dataset extent to deselect.
- Polygon filtering and colour selection was not working properly in WebMap for Power BI.
- Point selection of features in WebMap for Power BI now takes dynamic size into account.
- Only the first ten Maps published by GeognoSIS were being displayed by WebMap Manager.
- Polygon MapTips were not always correctly displayed by WebMap for Power BI.
- Some changes regarding editing of html templates for FindIT have been addressed.
- Timestamps for queries run in FindIT are now being correctly recorded in the database.
- The "Add Image per Layer" command did not always work in FindIT.
- Some changes to tooltip text.
- The default and master template titles in Local Knowledge were using the wrong title information.
January 2024
- Custodian codes can now be added to OS Open Places API to geographically limit the results returned by the search.
- Layer names in groups are now indented and consistently spaced in both My Data and Quick Access controls.
- Numeric values set to 0 and Boolean values which are set to false were appearing as blanks in Feature Info dialog.
- The language locale used in the url will now redirect to the correct resources.
- In WebMap for Power BI when selecting a feature and zoom to feature is active, the map view zooms to that feature. Clicking on the selected feature again will zoom the Map out to show all features again.
- Views of bookmarks in both WebMap and WebMap Manager are now sorted alphabetically.
- The Administrator can now prevent the user from switching between Maps from within their Profile view using a global setting for both private and public Maps.
- Colours are now applied correctly to selected polygons in WebMap for Power BI.
- MapTips and prefixes are now correctly displayed in WebMap for Power BI.
- Data is now correctly filtered between visuals on a Power BI report.
December 2023
- When multiple editable layers were defined in WebMap, a scroll bar did not always appear to allow the user to access all of these overlays.
- It is now possible to define properties in editable overlays as read-only, allowing them to be displayed for context while editing, but properties cannot be changed.
- Fixed size point icons displayed in WebMap did not always remain the same size irrespective of zoom resolution.
November 2023
- In ReportIT changes to the email template were not always being picked up straight away.
- In ReportIT the user could be prompted for a mandatory image even if they had already added one to the report.
- Some additional validation has been added to ReportIT to prevent a mismatch of database fields.
- Some additional validation has been added to ReportIT to check that an email has been set.
- Optional extra endpoints have been added to allow the Aligned Assets SinglePoint gazetteer to be used on-premise.
- Map rotation has been disabled because it is not possible to use these rotated Maps with the Publish functionality.
- Some authentication issues with Bing Maps layers has been resolved.
- The copyright statement is now defined at a Map level and is limited to three lines to preserve screen real estate with the same text now used in images created by the Capture command.
- Capture could fail when Bing Maps base mapping was in use.
- Migration Manager has been updated to support symbol characters as part of the connection strings.
- It is now possible to set a default opacity for base layers, which will be applied to all new layers. Upgraded layers will now also retain their opacity.
- Dependency updates have been made to support .NET 8.0 framework and OpenLayers 8.2
October 2023
- ReportIT has been updated and included as an optional extension in WebMap 9.1. Enhancements allow the user to define locations by drawing a polygon, as well as point or current locations, extra options for free text or pre-defined attributes, setting mandatory attributes and options to write results to spatial database and/or sending emails.
- Running a Query on a layer which was part of a group would result in duplicate results layers being created after the query had been run.
- Feature Information queries are now cancelled if an existing query is running and the map is clicked again.
- Some error handling improvements were made to the DBUpgrade tool.
- The property WML::MaxStatus& is used to determine the status of an overlay when toggling it on and off. This allows layers in the Map to be defined as visible only if interaction with the layer is not required.
- A number of dependencies were removed which are no longer required by the Aligned Assets SinglePoint LLPG.
- It was not always possible to schedule a harvest with ADHarvest.
- Bookmarks are now included in WebMap Express.
- WMS layers included in WebMap can now be queried using GetFeatureInfo if they are not defined as Base Layers.
- When using a Map that was upgraded from WebMap 9 with DBUpgrade, it was not possible to use the Get Capabilities option for the WMTS in WebMap Manager.
- Changing the name of a Quick Search definition was not always updated.
- On mobile devices the Share functionality is now moved to main navigation drawer.
- On mobile devices it was not always possible to close the FeatureInfo panel.
- On mobile devices it was not always possible to minimise the Quick Access Drawer after expanding.
- URLs used to access GeognoSIS servers can now include - and _ characters.
- The map pin used to identify Quick Search result locations was not always moved in subsequent searches.
- When accessing the SWD to define Feature Information templates, the cursor display could get stuck in an endless loop, requiring the page to be reloaded.
- Changes to Map Name and Map Title were not always being saved when a Map was copied.
- Clicking the Quick Search icon will now automatically enable the search bar.
- When defining an Aligned Assets connector the API Key is now optional, allowing on-premise instances to be used.
- Changes made to the order of layers in the Configuration section of WebMap Manager would not always save changes.
- Hook point of the default w3w crosshair icon has been altered to centre.
- Default config settings for the w3w extension have been updated.
September 2023
- When opening the SWD under Feature Information in the WebMap Manager, there is now an activity message that is displayed whilst the data is loading.
- Some interface tool tip text has been updated.
- Connections to Table Views in PostGIS, SQL Server and Oracle are now supported by WebMap.
- Support for the Aligned Assets SinglePoint LLPG has been added.
- Feature Info could return features even if they were outside their scale threshold, set in the SWD.
- The Print Templates supplied with WebMap have been updated to use Open Sans fonts for all text.
- A number of issues with the Migration Manager have been resolved.
August 2023
- It was not possible to add a parent level SWD in WMS.
- Power BI MapTips defined as strings could be returned as dates.
- Filter can now be used with the Graph API harvester, supporting advanced queries. Two optional filters are also included to harvest Security Groups only and Active Users.
- It was not always possible to view anonymous access Maps when using WebMap authentication.
- The GPSCrossHair icon is now initially used to show the location of the w3w search.
- The log file for WebMap can now be accessed and downloaded whilst still writing log information to the live file.
- The WML::Ignore& property did not always prevent layers in the SWD from being displayed in the Quick Access Drawer.
- Synchronised SWDs are now displayed in WebMap Manager as a selectable list to ensure that the most up to date SWD is available.
- Font validation has been removed from WebMap Manager, as it was affecting some of the Map controls if fonts were not installed on the host machine.
- Users of WebMap Manager could be denied access to Security Configuration if the Manager had been left idle.
- Feature Info could return features even if they were outside their scale threshold, set in the SWD.
July 2023
- The WebMap for Power BI has been updated to use circles instead of icons, with options to control the size and colour intensity of the circle based on numerical property values.
- It was not possible to change the application colours without setting an SMTP host.
- It was possible to have two Base Map layers displayed in the Map.
- Special characters can now be used in Map names.
- The default template for Feature Information has been updated to display information from WMS.
- Harvesting AD Group names now returns the fully qualified name.
- An extra slash was inadvertently included in links to some Maps.
- It is now possible to set the access control headers in WebMap.
- Support for decorated URLs has been added, allowing the following parameters to be used: overlayName, schemaColumn and uid.
- Configuration of Quick Search has been updated for use on containers.
- A new file iframemap.html has been added to WebMap which can be referenced as the src for an iframe.
- The copyright statement on embedded and Power BI maps has been reformatted and updated.
- The IRS Link has been included with WebMap and has been updated to correctly use the domain URL.
- The Feature Information dialog box which appears when hover over is enabled now uses the hover delay, configured in the Manager, as the delay time for information being removed from the panel.
- Configuration changes for Quick Search were not always being saved.
- Some issues with cookie banners and error dialogs overlapping have been resolved.
- Layout of buttons with inconsistent spacing has been resolved.
- The display of cards in WebMap Manager has been altered to prevent unnecessary clipping.
- Alignment of copyright text and icon has been adjusted in WebMap Manager.
- Harvested names containing special characters, such as back slashes could not be assigned Administrator rights.
- Some caching issues when updating WMS/WMTS connections has been resolved.
- The CrossOrigin settings in WebMap Manager were not always being preserved.
- After displaying and closing the metadata dialog displayed by the Quick Access Drawer, a second empty message could sometimes appear.
June 2023
- The licensed w3w extension has been added to WebMap allowing users to search for a w3w location and return a w3w location from the map.
- If a WMTS capabilities did not return a default style there was no way to set this in the WebMap Manager.
- Some WebMap Manager interface behaviour has been updated.
- Only Basemap layers which were ticked as visible could be deleted in WebMap Manager.
- The licenced IRS Link for domain installations has been added to WebMap. Additional changes to the WebMap Manager have been made to support the management of extensions such as this, which is configured in WebMap Manager but run as a separate application.
- Some text updates on the Manager interface.
May 2023
- WebMap Express now allows users to interrogate map features served as WMS and WFS.
- The toolkit used for the Windows AD authentication harvesting imposed a limit of 1000 results and has now been updated to allow unlimited returns.
- Using the Graph API harvest for Azure Active Directory would only return the first 100 users and has been updated to allow unlimited returns.
- It is now possible to add authenticated WMS to WebMap and WebMap Express.
April 2023
- An error on startup was resolved where certain WebMap Manager tables could not always be found in the database.
- When using FireFox browser, the list of available Maps in the main WebMap interface was limited to eight in the list.
- The Power BI visual has been upgraded to WebMap 9.1 and includes options to define point sizes and point and polygon graduated shades of colour using data fields from the source.
- The script szie for the embedded map has been reduced to improve speed.
- OGC Services added to WebMap with authentication could silently fail or be denied.
- Watermark image files with spaces in the file name could cause WebMap Manager to fail.
March 2023
- WebMap now allows the use of the Graph API for sending emails. SMTP is still supported through the legacy settings but also using MailKit.
- The Local Knowledge Templates have been updated.
- Measure and Local Knowledge dialogs now remain accessible when the interface width is reduced for mobile devices.
- The dbUpgrade tool now consolidates searches so that multiple copies of identical searches are not added. It also adds a sequential number to searches with the same name.
February 2023
- WMS layers now require validation for the layer type and name during creation
- Title and option names for extensions are now the same in the Configuration section of the WebMap Manager
- When multiple features are displayed with Feature Info, the arrows to scroll between features now fade and appear to allow the information to be more easily read
- It was possible to enter incorrect values as min and max when defining theme ranges
- Additional validation when adding steps in range themes has also been added
- Fonts for theme legends and label themes are also now validated against the default fonts available
- Usability of the opacity slider has been improved
- Some incorrect validation was being applied to some GeoJSON files preventing them from being uploaded
- Images assigned to the Map cards in WebMap Manager are now displayed to the end user as well when they are offered Maps to select
- The WebMap list of credits has been updated
- A colour selector has been added for defining site settings colours
- A number of dialogs and text updates have been applied in WebMap Manager for consistency
- The Show Icon option in the Share dialog did not always display when WebMap is started using the URL
- The correct offset values have been added to the default Quick Search icon
- Support for WMS 1.1.1 has been added to WebMap
- A number of updates to button styles and locations on the dialog have been updated for consistency
- A dropdown has been added to WebMap Manager for photometric interpretation options
- The OS Open Names Quick Search definition was not being upgraded correctly from WebMap 9
- The theme used in WebMap Manager has been updated and implemented throughout to provide dark mode support
- Updates to ensure that Active Directory access is enabled correctly for on-premise installations
- The Publish session now includes a keep alive ping to prevent getting trapped in the Publish dialogs through a session timeout
- When creating a new Map by copying, some settings were not being included in the new Map
January 2023
- Validation on WebMap Manager was preventing overlay names from containing spaces
- The Quick Access Drawer, when viewed in landscape, would not allow the user to scroll through the layers
- Some dialogs, when viewed on a mobile device, would not allow access to the progress buttons
- When defining the scale for Publishing output, the user can now set this with a button, rather than having to press Enter
- Clicks or taps on the Map that return no results for Feature Info now do not display an empty dialog
- Cluster themes are correctly formatted in My Data display
- Selection of multiple features is no longer possible in the Drawing dialog
- The URL shortener server and API have been updated
- Some issues with accessing and adding OS Maps API layers have been resolved
- Automatic date attributes now populate the property with the correct date
- A number of improvements have been made to the DBUpgrade tool
- The Feature Info Search Tolerance can now be altered in the WebMap Manager
- If the Map view is rotated, when used on a mobile device, the orientation of the Map is now reset to north when the GeoLocation button is used
- Hook points for icons were not being saved
- When using a narrower screen size, dialogs which appear from the side will now appear from the bottom, allowing continued access to the Map
- Edit Point styles for Queries were not being applied in WebMap Manager
- It is now possible to add an optional Map title or guidance text to the interface of WebMap
- The Local Knowledge Master Template was updated to correctly display distances
- Some issues with adding Bing Maps layers to WebMap for base mapping have been resolved
- It is now possible to add opacity to OS Maps API layers
- The Create New Map command, using the Copy Existing Map, will now ensure that the new Map has exactly the same settings as the original Map EXCEPT for security, which will need to be individually defined for each Map
- Support for Quick Search to use the Idox Symphony API has been added whilst retaining support for the Aligned Assets SinglePoint service it is replacing
- It is now possible to harvest users from within a Windows Domain (on-premise rather than Azure AD) using the WebMap Manager
- Key Authentication has been added to the Quick Search and Local Knowledge APIs for access through via REST which can be enabled through WebMap Manager
- A number of case inconsistencies in the WebMap and WebMap Manager interfaces have been resolved
- It is now possible to add a username and password or an API Key and API Key Parameter when using WMS and WMTS layers
- A number of assistive dialogs have been added to WebMap Manager to assist with the security setup workflow
- An issues with the Feature Info Template workflow has been resolved
- The validation and workflow for adding a Stamen layer has been updated
December 2022
- Default Feature Info templates have been updated to be more reliable
- The user was not always returned to the Edit dialog after performing a Merge operation
- A number of spelling mistakes have been corrected
- URLs to open Maps with security enabled in incognito or private mode in the browser would not present the user with a login screen
- Multiple instances of WebMap on the same server now each use their own instance of Redis
- Using mandatory fields in the Editing extension has been made more consistent
- Layer names created with an ampersand (&) are written ‘&’ rather than just the symbol
- A number of tooltip updates have been made
- After defining a watermark in WebMap Manager, it was not always possible to then save the changes to the Map
- A number of text formatting changes for usability have been made
- Only layers with the property WML::Knowledge_Type$ defined on the appropriate layers are now displayed as available layers in the SWD when setting a default Local Knowledge query
- Master Templates are now stored in the configuration database
- Bookmarks could be created with a blank name and the view resolution was not always preserved
- The Cancel, Create and Reset options in Local Knowledge templates dialog should now behave more consistently
- A number of text changes have been made to the Local Knowledge default template creation workflow
- The list of layers available for the Combine Features operation was not always consistently populated
- After merging two features to make a third feature, the user is now given the option to delete the original features
- Local Knowledge Templates are now consistently and immediately updated in the configuration database
- Tooltips have been added to the highlight buttons in the Table Window
November 2022
- SQL Server and PostGIS connections in the SWD were not being displayed in the Map
- Options to change the Measure styling have been added to the WebMap Manager
- A number of text strings have been updated for errors and consistency
- Zooming to point features using the Query Results window did not work
- The Attribution text field used for supplying a copyright statement has been changed to have a more meaningful name
- Issues with WebMap requesting excessively large images from GeognoSIS has been resolved
- URLs to link to the WebMap help have been updated
- Console errors relating to the Drawing tools have been resolved
- Errors hiding columns in the Query Results and Table Window have been resolved
- A View Map option has been added to the Configuration page in WebMap Manager
- User passwords are no longer displayed in plain text by default
- Errors with using the Back button on the Theme Wizard have been resolved
- With the WML::Ignore& property set to 1, an overlay would still be displayed in the Quick Access Drawer
- The sample embedded maps index.html has been updated
- Watermark images did not always maintain their transparency
- It was not possible to edit a Map name after a watermark had been applied
- It was not possible to delete a watermark
- Some issues with running the DBUpgrade have been resolved
- Some inconsistencies with the Administrator rights within the WebMap Manager have been resolved
- The Get All option in the Range and Individual Values themes have been standardised
- The Map Pins selection for Zoom to Coordinates has been updated to display them at their actual size
- It was not straightforward to remove a watermark from a Map
- The feature highlighting button has been added to the default master template for Feature Info
- It was not always possible to export an entire layer to GeoJSON with Chrome and Edge browsers
- The Map name is now visible in the top banner of WebMap Manager in the Configuration screen
- A configurable limit of, initially, 25MB has been introduced as a GeoJSON file size upload limit
October 2022
- It is possible to filter results in the Table Window and Query Results Table using an operator (equal, greater than, greater than or equal, less than or less than and equal) and values
- Adding a watermark to the Map is more reliable
- SMTP options have been added to site settings in WebMap Manager
- It was possible for the Publish session to time out and lock WebMap
- Colours can now be spread when adding a theme in WebMap
- Copyright information has been updated in the products
- Avoided redundant navigation to current location error has been resolved when defining Starting Dialog
- Formatting and display of type nvachar in SQL Server for display in WebMap has been enabled
- A number of text strings have been updated in WebMap Manager
- The supplied data in the Migration Manager has been refactored into 2 parts to allow it to be run multiple times without issues
- Pre-filled info for Publish fields have been updated for brevity
- The use of OK and CANCEL has been standardised across the product
- Default Local Knowledge templates can now be created in WebMap Manager against a defined SWD
- It is now only possible to copy a single feature from one layer to another to enforce mandatory attribute population
September 2022
- If a duplicate Group name is found during the harvest, it will now be logged and the harvest will continue, instead of failing completely
- Errors deleting user Bookmarks have been resolved
- A range of tooltips have been added
- A range of text strings have been updated
- Some caching on the client was failing to update the starting map view
- An updated SWD is included with WebMap
- Refresh issues in WebMap Manager have been resolved
- Adding a Bing Maps layer is more reliable
- Images added to new Maps would only be visible immediately after creation
- WMS and Stamen layers could be created without validation
- The option to hide columns in the Query results table window has been added
- Explanatory text added to the Editing selection tools
- Layers which are currently not visible due to scale dependencies are now displayed in italics
- A user defined Initial Map Location could be ignored
- Using SetGeometry as the default process on an overlay allows the user to capture polygon features with a single click. Captured polygons can now also be merged.
- Errors connecting to the OS Maps API have been resolved
August 2022
- Option to split Rage Themes into Equal Count and Equal Ranges have been added
- web.config files have been removed from the Licence and Harvest services
- Logging is now unified across all components of WebMap in the Log folder
- Theme legends can now be added to PDF output created by Publish
- The LicenceServerPort is now automatically set to the Sentinel’s default 5093 but can also be configured if required
- It is now possible to configure the BootStrap logger from the appSettings.json file
- The appSettings.json file has been tidied up
- A number of console errors have been removed
- The MigrationManager can now be run from any folder
- A number of updates made to the Migration Manager to run in a scripted hosted environment
- A range of tooltips have been added
- A range of text strings have been updated
- Issues accessing the Quick Search controls have been resolved
- The setting of the initial Map location is now easier
- When adding a CRS to WebMap, the new CRS was not always displayed after refreshing the Manager
- User drawn features can now be used for running queries
- When importing GeoJSON files, the CRS parameter of the file is used. If the CRS parameter is not included in the GeoJSON, a CRS of 4326 is assumed for the file.
- Button and dialogs layers have been updated for consistency
July 2022
- An extra dialog was displayed after viewing Metadata
- WebMap Manager now accepts certificates on SQL Server databases
- An icon is now displayed on the Map when a Quick Search location is displayed
- Bookmarks can now be defined per Map
- Validation has been added to the configuration of Editing options in WebMap Manager
- The Show button when creating a buffer in the Query extension is now disabled until a value is entered
- The Capture button has been added to the Query Table Window to capture the query area, results and any buffer defined
- Highlighting of the selected row of the Query Table Window has been improved
- The Query extension has a Manager interface to define selection colour/behaviour and thickness and colours for buffer lines
- Any buffer defined as part of the Query is now displayed on the Map
- A range of text strings have been updated
- Resizing WebMap Manager could display unexpected panels
- Consistent delete icons are now used throughout WebMap
- Bookmarks were not being displayed in the WebMap Manager
- A number of caching issues in WebMap Manager have been resolved
- The option to draw a circle with radius has been added to the Drawing dialog
- The terms FILL and STROKE are now used for pen and brush
June 2022
- Support for OpenStreetMap base mapping has been added
- Changing the scale of the map in Publish was also changing the orientation of the PDF
- The Clear option in Quick Search now clears the results and query dialog correctly
- The style and layout of the Map cards has been updated in WebMap Manager
- Hyperlinks in Feature Info dialog are now wrapped
- On smaller screens the following extensions have been removed; Editing and My Data while Local Knowledge, if licenced, has been added. The layout of the Quick Access drawer has also be optimised for mobile interfaces.
- When refreshing WebMap Manager, the user is now always taken back to main Maps screen
- Layered PDF has been added as an option for Publish in WebMap Manager, as well as Title and Author document information and an output resolution.
- Hover over support has been added to points
- Quick Search now includes a case sensitive setting if this is required
- Passwords could be inadvertently displayed if the show password option was used because it was remembered by WebMap Manager the next time the dialog was opened
- Using the Cancel button could remove an overlay in WebMap Manager
- The front page dialog on a smaller screen was not displaying all of the text on the dialog
- The Application Secret entry point has been changed to a password field to protect the information
- The Query extension has been added to WebMap, providing search by area capabilities, with results displayed in a Table Window.
- A WebMap Express installer is now built, of which there are two versions; one with Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and one without
May 2022
- The Map cards in WebMap Manager now display in alphabetical order and use structured grids for optimum display
- The header for each set of results is now always displayed by Quick Search, even if there are no results
- The Save button on My Data now saves user drawn data and themes created by that user
- The baseLayer parameter has been added to embedded maps, allowing a choice of base mapping to be used
- Support for OS Places Quick Search connection has been added
- The Feature Info Template dialog behaviour has been changed to make it easier to use
- A link to credits and the online help have been added to the Profile dialog of WebMap
- The base map switcher has been moved to the top of the Quick Access Drawer
- Adding an SWD as a layer could fail
- The Map selection is not required on the Security Configuration dialog
- The default Feature Information template generation could cause an error
- The uploading and application of watermarks could sometimes fail
- All available CRS are now displayed in the WebMap Manager
- A number of display issues were resolved in WebMap Manager
- The .NET Core prerequisite version was updated to 6.0.3.
April 2022
- A WebMap Express product and installer have been created
- The OS Maps API Workflow has been updated
- The Scale Bar was not being displayed in Anonymous Maps
- A range of text strings have been updated
- The following Quick Search connections have been added; OS Names API, OS Places API, SQL Server, SQL Server full text, PostGIS and PostGIS vector search
- The token lifespan for authentication must be set for longer than 2 minutes
- Styling on features created by the Drawing dialog now save their styling between sessions
- In WebMap Manager, the Administrator user has implied access to everything, no specific settings are stored or required.
- The option to Create a Map based on an Existing Map has been added to WebMap Manager
- It is now possible to edit a user created theme in WebMap
- Using CANCEL button in WebMap Manager could cause the entered text to be written to the database
- Some caching issues with the Security pages in WebMap Manager have been resolved
- Extra validation has been added to the WMTS dialog
- When multiple items are selected in the Drawing dialog, they are now all de-selected when Select is pressed again
- By default, one click of the zoom in or out button will now correspond to the same zoom as a single ‘click’ of the mouse wheel roll.
- User passwords created in WebMap Manager were not always encrypted
- The version number for WebMap is now correctly displayed in WebMap Manager
- The behaviour of the Table Window has been changed to show the total number of records and allowing the user to chose the number of Rows per page and Export rather than have the result limited to the current view
- Local Knowledge would fail if the coordinates were whole numbers
March 2022
- WebMap Manager now allows different Print Templates to be assigned to each Map
- Publish now allows the user to define a scale for the output of the PDF.
- The Drawing dialog now allows the user to Save the Drawing Layer, when authentication is being used, which will reload the data in their next session, or Discard to permanently delete all features in the Drawing Layer
- Licencing has been added to WebMap
- A scale bar has been added to PDF output
- A number of caching issues after configuration database changes have been resolved
- Updated WebMap icons for 9.1 have been added to the products
- A number of issues with Local Knowledge have been resolved
- The option to include an icon when using Zoom to Coordinates has been added, along with WebMap Manager controls
- All extensions can now be set to Active (included on the Map interface) or Initial Route (start Map with this extension active) in WebMap Manager
- The WMTS settings page has been updated, with as much population from the Capabilities as possible
- ECW files in WebMap when published would show as black layers
- Images can be added to the Map cards in WebMap Manager
- A number of interface changes have been made to the WebMap Manager dialogs
- Buttons now consistently can be pressed using the whole area of the button, rather than just the text
- Text could be superimposed in certain dialog text fields
- Some database caching issues were resolved
- URLs can be defined for starting WebMap using the following parameters; geolocate=true, x, y and zoom. The following routes can also be added to the URL; /bookmarks, /drawing, /editing, /frontPage, /localKnowledge, /measure, /mydata, /zoomToCoordinates
- Embedded Map support has been added including new parameters for base map selection and the option to include hover over attributes
- The WebMap colour theme can be edited to use user defined (corporate) colour schemes
February 2022
- The Quick Access Drawer now opens with the Layers section already expanded.
- A scale bar has been added to the main map window.
- Print has become Publish, as only output to PDF is supported.
- Styling of point features was not being saved
- The Enable Front Page option in WebMap Manager has been tidied up
- A toggle switch was added to the My Data view of Map layers
- When adding an Individual Values theme in WebMap, more than one schema column could be added to the theme
- The WebMap development environment has been upgraded to use VS 2022 & .NET 6
- Aligned Assets connector has been added for Quick Search
January 2022
- Support for adding new cultures and language interfaces has been added to WebMap Manager
- Support for PostGIS and Oracle connections have been added to the installer
- The Scale Bar on PDF output has been updated
- Some issues with caching when adding new SWD layers were resolved
- WebMap Manager interface for default theme styling has been added
- The Table Window now supports feature highlighting using styles defined in the WebMap Manager. Zooming to selected features is now dependent on the extent of the feature. Selected features are de-selected when the Table Window is closed.
- Date fields and hyperlinks are now displayed correctly using Templates
- Connections for Quick Search have been moved to Global Settings
- The workflow for combining features in the Edit extension is updated
- Copying features from one layer to another is added
- It was not possible to add multiple themes
- The correct measurement units are now displayed for line and polygon measurements
- Some caching issues resolved when changing Map names
- Map names now can only contain alpha numeric characters, space and dashes
- A Test button has been added to the Connections screen to allow the validity of the supplied connection details to be selected
- Opening My Data and refreshing the page could cause WebMap to crash
- Database connections were not always being saved
- Spaces and underscores can now be used in schema columns with the default Feature Info template
- The option to draw an arrow has been included in the Draw dialog
- Some text strings have been updated following user testing
- Controls have been added to only allow one GeognoSIS SWD to be added to any Map
- Feature Info templates have been updated to support all data types available in SIS
December 2021
- It is now possible for a user to select and change colour and styling of a feature in the Drawing dialog
- Transparency can now be successfully added to theme legends
- A number of text strings in WebMap Manager have been updated
- Some caching issues with redis were resolved
- Layers in a group can now display any themes which have been created on them
- Export to GeoJSON was limited to 100 features
- Table Window was also limited to 100 features (rows)
- The Map name is now displayed in the browser tab when WebMap is running
- WMS instances can now be added from GetCapabilities responses
- The initial map location can now be set with an interactive map
November 2021
- The display of LK templates is now defined by the order of the layers in the SWD
- Licence strings for Local Knowledge and Editing extensions have been added
- When creating a new map in WebMap Manager, all of the Map extensions are now turned ON by default
October 2021
- The option to disable Map extensions has been added to WebMap Manager
- The option to export to GeoJSON using the screen extents has been fixed
- It is now possible to install multiple instances of WebMap without impacting licensing and harvesting services
- WMTS layers can be added using the Capabilities
September 2021
- Some caching issues in WebMap Manager were resolved
- Issue deleting layers from a Map have been resolved
- Some data entry issues in certain fields in WebMap Manager were resolved
August 2021
- A number of interface updates and layout issues have been resolved
- Azure AD users and groups can now be harvested from the WebMap Manager interface using the Harvest Service. This can also be scheduled to run at predefined intervals.
July 2021
- The Measure tool now starts with lines and switching between lines and areas is now consistent.
- Text button style is now consistent across the product
- The logic for adding a theme has been updated and is now consistent with SIS Desktop
- Issues with the transparency of WMTS base layers was resolved
- Two installers are now built for WebMap - one includes WebMap with options to install Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Manager Studio. The other just installs WebMap but requires access to an existing SQL Server or SQL Server Express instance for the configuration database.
- Support for adding extra CRS has been included in WebMap Manager
- WebMap Manager interfaces have been added to allow Identity, OpenID and Windows authentication models to be created and managed
- Added WebMap Manager support for watermarks and copyright text per layer
June 2021
- Added WebMap Manager interfaces for Publish and Drawing
- Editing interface for WebMap Manager added
May 2021
- GeoJSON files can now be added to WebMap by the user. Any uploaded file becomes a named and styled layer in the Map and can be used in Publishing and viewed in the Table Window.
- A default Feature Info Template is applied to layers which don't have one defined
- Support for Google Analytics has been added to WebMap
- The WebMap Administrator now requires a strong password to be defined as part of the installation
- WebMap 9.1 will now only run against GeognoSIS 9.1
- Layers were not always displayed in the Map list
- Some issues writing configuration changes to the SQL Server database have been resolved
- The connection string stored in appSettings.json is now encrypted and the MigrationManager can be used to create an encrypted appSettings.json
- A toggle all layers option has been added to the Quick Access Drawer
- Alpha licence string now required to run WebMap
- Statistics queries have been added to Local Knowledge
April 2021
- Text can be added using the Drawing extension
- The Table Window is now displayed as a bottom sheet and allows zooming to selected features
- The tab order of the login dialog has been altered to allow return to be used
- A new sample set of Maps was included with WebMap
- A of interface updates and layout issues have been resolved
- A default Local Knowledge example is now included as part of the WebMap installation
- Support for point features is added to the Drawing dialog. When Published as PDF, the Circle symbol is used but in the client, the point is styled as a circle.
- Credits are included, along with a link from WebMap Manager
- A number of dialogs in the WebMap Manager are now reading content correctly from the SQL Server database tables.
- The Capture command was only displaying base mapping
- A number of changes have been made to the DBUpgrade tool for upgrading configuration databases from WebMap 9
- WebMap Express product is now being built alongside WebMap, using the same extensions selectively licenced and a different sample data installation
March 2021
- When a user enters a scale the Map Frame preview is resized and when the mouse cursor is over the Map Frame preview and the mouse wheel is scrolled, the preview resizes
- Token refresh errors have been resolved during security setup
- The licence middleware was catching all errors and reporting them as licence errors
- Leaving WebMap Manager for a period of inactivity could cause the session to be ended
- The WebMap Manager has been re-designed to be based around the map, with a look and feel to match the GeognoSIS Manager
- A number of changes have been made to the WebMap Manager to match the look and feel of the GeognoSIS Manager
- WebMap Manager now includes the capability to generate default templates for the display of feature attributes
February 2021
- A Metadata option has been added to the layers displayed in the Quick Access Drawer, displaying information from the Overlay Notes in the SWD being used.
- The Layers table in the WebMap Manager now displays all required information
- The Overlay name is now visible as the user scrolls through properties in the WebMap Manager
- A number of workflow and interface changes have been made to the WebMap Manager
- The password reset email that is sent to the defined email address in the database was inactive
- OpenID Connect and Windows authentication models added to security
January 2021
- Print would only run once
- The Range Theme title is now a string
- Identity security model is added
December 2020
- Dialog heights are now reactive and will fill the height of the map
- All user drawn features are now included in PDF output
- The Select Button on the Drawing Dialog is now a toggle
- De-selecting a feature in the Drawing extension would cause the feature to lose all styling
- The Quick Search dialog is now locked when in use, so that the user can move over the map and not have the dialog change
- User themes are now automatically turned on immediately after creation
- The starting display of the colour selection dialog is now consistent wherever it is used.
November 2020
- Initial version of Editing extension for simple and advanced editing of features is added
October 2020
- The Migration Manager has been added to the WebMap installation. This controls the creation and maintains structure of the SQL Server configuration database
- Initial implementation of the Editing Extension has been added